Pietro Peter Pete Rossetti
Pending on where we meet and how friendly we are, feel free to use any name variant accordingly:
(Pietro: IRS document/in Italy—Pete: good friends/lovers)
Regardless of my name, I am a creative individual that is constantly seeking growth, improvement, and happiness (and I know you are too). I am also a lighthearted, professional dreamer, that is honest and passionate about get stuff done.
I love: design, not taking myself seriously, traveling for knowledge, exchanging ideas, thinking deeply, personal development, my KISS collectables, and not writing a traditional bio.
I value: design, connection, my time + yours, collaboration, beauty, simplicity, artistic expression, and the integrity of ideas.
Transformational Design
To me this is using creative faculties and design skills in a nonlinear way to form new ideas and promote change. Transformation can happen in our mind, our bodies, and with anything in our physical world. Design is the plan or vehicle intended to inspire, solve problems, and most of all help people. As a transformational designer I look to design for human centered change in cultures, systems, or behaviors.
I consciously choose to transform my mental, physical, and professional attitude away from circumstances that seem ignorant, weak, and overly stressful. Developing understanding of how one can act and live differently allows us to take a leading role in our lives, and not the role of an extra in a crowd. Once individuals start to develop their awareness about how they can design their lives it results in a truly inspiring process. To inspire change I currently speak with students about creativity, self-image, personal growth, and human potential, while continually seeking to help and inspire others.